Friday, August 12, 2011

Can Fashion in the lab be a game changer?

According to 2008 report by Center for Work-Life Policy:

Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) are marginalized by hostile macho cultures. Being the sole woman on a team or at a site can create isolation. Many women report mysterious career paths: fully 40% feel stalled. Systems of risk and reward in SET cultures can disadvantage women, who tend to be risk averse. Finally, SET jobs include extreme work pressures: they are unusually time intensive. Moreover, female attrition rates spike 10 years into a career. Women experience a perfect storm in their mid- to late thirties: They hit serious career hurdles precisely when family pressures intensify.

So, if we start a movement to celebrate our feminine self in the lab, can we gradually and slowly change the game in this masculine environment?

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