Sunday, July 31, 2011

The idea of adoption of fashion by women scientist is more complicated than what appears. Searching through the web, I came across an article in NY Times in 2008. The article was addressing the issue of diversity in the workplace specially in the fields of science and engineering and was referring to discriminations that still exist in these sectors against women. The main point was the fact that women in science and engineerings are still affected by the negative side effects of this testosterone rich corner of world including a battle against a tendency for dismissal by male colleagues.

I am encountered by many questions. Questions for which I may not find any answer. Questions for which I can not even put the blame on my male colleagues. They are not really to blame. It is the culture. It is a sort of social evolution. It is may be some sort of instinct. But is it true that we are battling against an unspoken , unwritten, even hidden yet widespread belief that " men are for science , women for fashion"?

If that's true, and we are trying to what I call "Man-ize" ourselves to become part of this league and accepted as science geniuses ,then adopting fashion at work is giving in to this established belief and moving backward, right?!!!

To me, it appeared like that at the first glance. But I realized that years and years of social evolution, has separated science and fashion. First, because women tend to avoid science due to its harsh nature. More women were attracted to Fashion because of its harmonious nature to their character. Those who were attracted to science, were forced to put aside their fashion. I guess however, if we wanna end this belief and prove to our future generations that these two (science and fashion) can really join together in one place, we should start the movement now, from here, each one of us...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Who wins the game of competition? Who gains acceptance in the world of science? Is delicacy a barrier for progress and toughness an absolute must to win the game? Does beauty mean you need to work harder to prove that you are as smart as you are pretty?